Conveyancing Process
This guide has been prepared to explain the legal process involved in selling a property once an offer has been accepted.
AUTHORITY TO OBTAIN TITLE DEEDS AND TITLE DEEDS APPLIED FOR – Your solicitor will send a quote and enclose a form that asks for your mortgage account number and details of your mortgage lender. When they have received this back they will are able to apply to the mortgage lender for the deeds to your property. If you do not have a mortgage they will request that you deliver the deeds to them.
PROPERTY INFORMATION FORM AND CONTENTS SCHEDULE SENT TO CLIENT - Details forms are sent to you with the written quotation so that questions that are asked by the buyer’s solicitors may be answered.
TITLE DEEDS RECEIVED - Once they have received the deeds they will be able to prepare a draft contract. This will be sent to the buyer’s solicitors along with the other information that the solicitor may already have.
ADDITIONAL ENQUIRIES RECEIVED FROM BUYER’S SOLICITORS - The buyer’s solicitors may require some additional information from your solicitor. It may be that answers that have already been given require more detail or that results of the search have prompted additional questions. At this stage it will often be necessary for your solicitor to obtain the information required from outside sources such as the local authority or insurance company.
ALL ENQUIRIES ANSWERED - When all the information is available your solicitor will make sure that the buyer’s solicitors receive everything that they require.
DRAFT CONTRACT APPROVED - When the buyer’s solicitors are happy with all the information that they have received they will send back the draft contract to your solicitor to be approved for the seller to sign.
APPOINTMENT WITH CLIENT FOR SIGNING – Your solicitor will arrange for you to sign the contract as soon as possible. If there is a dependant purchase they will make sure that the two transactions are tied in.
DEPOSIT RECEIVED - On exchange of contracts they will require that the purchaser pays a deposit of between 5% and 10% of the sale price. Although your solicitor will not expect that money to be sent to them before exchange they will expect the buyer’s solicitors to confirm that they have the funds to send to them
PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE - Completion is the point at which the purchaser pays for the property and it changes hands. The date needs to be agreed before exchange of contracts can take place.
READY TO EXCHANGE - When you have signed your part of the contract and (if relevant) your proposed purchase is ready they will inform the buyer’s solicitors that you are ready to exchange contracts.
CONTRACTS EXCHANGED - Once contracts have been exchanged the two parties involved are legally committed to buy/sell the property in question. Failure to do so at this stage will result in the party at fault being in breach of contract.
COMPLETION DATE - The completion date which is agreed between the parties on exchange of contracts is the date upon which the seller of the property must give vacant possession and the buyer can take up occupation having first paid the balance of the purchase price. Failure to complete will result in the party at fault being in breach of contract.
Conveyancing Procedure
Sale |
Purchase |
Buyers Mortgage |
Acceptance offer
Seller to
Seller’s solicitors to
Seller’s solicitors to:
EXCHANGE CONTRACTS Seller’s solicitors to:
Seller to:
Offer accepted by seller
Buyer to:
Buyer’s solicitors to:
Buyer’s solicitors to:
Buyer to:
EXCHANGE CONTRACTS Buyer’s solicitor to:
Buyer to:
Mortgage application
Mortgage survey: Usually 1 week – 10 days
Mortgage offer (hard pack) issued
Mortgage report on title received from solicitors
Min. 5 working days’ notice
Mortgage funds released
Property held in joint names can be held in one of two ways. These are as follows:
Beneficial Joint Tenants
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